Tuesday, October 12, 2010

In the Beginning

Well there you have it. It's officially our first post. Welcome to our blog. Well the purpose of this blog is for our New Media Assignment. We are basically given this assignment to see how many people we can reach out to using the new media. Well just a brief introduction about ourselves. My name is Dominic Sean Charles and I am studying broadcasting.I am 19 and I will be updating you about the latest stuff and new upcoming events, indie bands and what you want us to talk about. Another friend  of mine who is in this group is Ker Soon King. He is 19 as well and studying broadcasting. So keep a lookout because we will be posting up every single day! Please comment on our post and share it with your friends on any social network you can. Thank you for all your support and all the best reading. You can view our profiles at these 2 pages. Ker Soon King (, Dominic Sean Charles (

Written by Dominic Sean Charles DIB 05